Garbage pickup is provided by the Borough of Roselle Park twice a week
- Wednesday Morning
- Saturday Morning
There are 6 dumpsters located on property.
- Glass, plastic bottles and aluminum cans are to be rinsed out
- Do not place your recyclables in plastic bags
- Place all recyclables in the plastic containers situated behind the dumpster
- Paper products must be broken down,hublot replica watches tied with twine and placed in the shed behind the dumpster

The fine for noncompliance is $1,000 per incident which is levied by the Borough of Roselle Park (not the Association).
Bulk Waste
Please contact the Roselle Park Department of Public Works for proper disposal of large metal, oversized or hazardous items such as:
- Refrigerator
- Stove
- Furniture
- Carpeting
- Paint
The Number to call is 908-245-7676